Rock of Ages

On Thursday 24th September the funeral of the late Mr Howard Lockey took place. It was attended by over 200 people.

Howard was baptised in 1972 and has been a member of the church at Westoning until he passed away on 6th September 2015. He was elected to serve the church as a Deacon in 1983. He was the church secretary and treasurer until retiring in April 2015.

The last prayer meeting he led at the church was on Tuesday 25th August at which he recounted a church outing in the 1950s to the Cheddar Gorge where they visited the rock at Burrington Combe where it is thought that August Toplady’s hymn Rock of Ages was written. Rock of Ages was one of Howard’s favourite hymns. He selected a verse Luke 12 v 31 But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you, to focus on as was often the case he then shared with us what JC Ryle had to say about the verse.

Rock of Ages SS Outing
Cheddar Gorge church outing to the Rock of Ages in the 1950s