A new year is a great time to have a fresh start, which is why so many of us have made resolutions for 2025. Historians say that people have been doing this since 2000BC, with promises to repay debts and return borrowed equipment. Typical modern resolutions are to do more exercise, eat healthily, take up a new hobby, decorate the house, apply for a new job, or read more. All admirable, but sadly many resolutions are only a fading memory by the end of January.
Sometimes we resolve to do something, but then our circumstances change and we have to change too. Our resolutions are unintentionally but necessarily dropped. We shouldn’t be hard on ourselves when this happens. Christians believe that only God knows the future and look to him for all help and guidance in this new year.
Proverbs 16 verse 9; A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.